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Artist statement

Through portraiture, my work reflects the stories of marginal characters in contemporary Afro-Cuban culture. Men, women, youth; those who are stigmatized and people who live the daily ravages of racial conflicts in today's Cuba, who struggle to have a voice and presence in society. The use of a limited palette of unconventional colors, textiles, objects and materials, which form a collective patchwork; has been fundamental in the development of my work. The use of colors such as black and white tones have marked my work, and they have given it the necessary formal synthesis to express, in a timely manner, the essence of the characters that i paint. On occasions, these elements become stories of daily life and show my work as visual reflection.
My paintings seek to show and vindicate Afro-Cuban roots through a pictorial language that is accessible to all, an emotional language that reflects the viewer as in a mirror. With this work i intend to establish contact and communication with the people who observe it; especially the young Afro-descendants, by showing their roots and making them proud of it.

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